The power of simple: develop good habits are the key to changing your life.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotles
A few days ago almost by accident I bought one of those small books, which one does not like that produce major changes in a life of a person. But for my surprise is one of the best and easiest I've read in the last times. And I found it just wonderful.
I don’t know if you ever happened when return from vacation and you join your regular job, promising that you will make more efficient use of personal and professional time as you realize that life goes beyond of work.
You try to sign a contract saying to yourself that from now on your vision of the day will be different, but ... there comes a time when you are in the same place as before leaving for your world wonderful and full of motivation. Or worse!
And here there are two ways possible or at least two that are clearly seen:
1. What just think how bad you feel about, and still decide to stay there, or
2. Realize that you've just got carried away, you have not done anything to avoid falling into "business as usual" and you get to work to avoid falling into that particular hole. And from that day I became Managing Director of your own life. And you assume the responsibility of your life and your decisions.
And to leave that state of "pasotismo" ( I love this Spanish word) and "motivation", something that coaches work in our sessions with our clients is the subject of changing habits.
We try to show our customers that there are at least two: either rejoice in "being evil" blaming and crushed most of the time, the fact or responsibility to others, or say, "STOP".
That's why after reading "The Power of Less" by Leo Babauta, try to summarize a shared vision that we have with this wonderful "Zen writer,"
Ok … some ideas ...
"Everything we fill our days we do it with passion, look beyond and find a way to not only do but adorn it with beauty, intention and desire”
“Sometimes we focus so much on targets that use the word always do, and rarely do it, overwhelmed and are saturating our agendas”
I like the idea to propose a change of focus. It's different to think about this list of objectives:
Make Exercise
Take Healthy Eating
Wake Up early
Be on time
Instead of:
Not having a life without physical activity
Do not private of fruits, vegetables, fresh healthy products, and cereals
Do not stay in bed until the sun has already gone
Do not be late
Even if seen, in practical terms, the objectives are the same, if they look in detail the second list gives the impression that we have so many things to be done, on the opposite, think that there are things to do are more simplicity to our days, and more energy and enthusiasm
It's just a new point of view.
As always, I read all your comments, and I wish you all a great weekend!
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