domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011

The secret to high performance and satisfaction is the deeply human need to direct our own lives

Good nigth everybody,
Like my last blog has been of interest to many of you, I’ll continue to deepen the sense of resilience in managers, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.
As I mentioned in my previous blog of energy management is more important than time management, and this is an important issue that today's leaders must understand to structure their work and that of others
Human beings have complex needs and different energy. There are so brief and summarized four types of energy:
• Physical energy which represents your quantity of energy. There are four components: nutrition, fitness, sleep (7/8 hours) and renewal.
• Emotional energy which represents your quality of energy. When you feel engaged, excited, and optimistic, your perform your best.
• Mental energy which represents the focus of your energy. We are a sequential being, more productive when we put our attention on one thing at a time without interruption ( think e.mail, messages, and phone calls) vs. multitasking.
• Spiritual Energy which is the energy of purpose. When you are truly passionate about what you’re doing, you bring more energy to it.
I’m often asked how we know if we are using the most of our energy. Or better yet if we really are doing the best with it.
And my answer is always the same: Human beings have rhythms. I like speaking rate and rhythm ... and the importance of establishing a methodical pace that allows us to focus on a clear direction to avoid the feeling of being scattered and feel that time is out of our hands and we have less energy that we want or need.
Something that is important to know is that we are better when we spend and renew energy. In essence, we work the best in 90 minutes intervals, so building more this pattern into your day brings you in phase with how we function more naturally. And research has found that hig performance fields – sports, writing, music – separate these 90 minutes periods of intense work and focus with periods of energy recovery. So make the time you’re working count by focusing your energy or just one main activity-and avoid interruption will increase the time to complete something by 25 minutes because of the time it takes for your brain to reengage.
Those who don’t effectively manage their energy or the work at the core of their life, to the point of neglecting other activities and not being able to have other interests are called workaholics and are not able to take time off because then the lack of activities dissatisfaction and overwhelmed them.
Therefore, for workaholics work is the sole object of his life, as it shows disinterest in other areas other than their work and because it is unable to stop working.
Workaholism is characterized by extreme work attitude (they work after hours, weekends or holidays), for their dedication over time (there is a loss of control over time spent at work), by compulsion and hard work by the lack of interest in other activities outside of work, on work involvement disproportionate, and deterioration of everyday life (family and social).
Although there is no common definition of workaholism, one could say that the workaholic devotes much time to work activities with negative consequences at the family level, social and leisure, which is constantly thinking of work when are not working and working beyond what is reasonably expected (Scott, Moore and Micelli, 1997) and working more hours than regular workers, and that suits the job itself (Machlowitz, 1980 ).
So make the most of the time we devote to our professional activities focusing our energy on one main activity at a time per time and avoid interruptions such as answering email messages is critical to optimize our personal power. A disruption of this type increases the time we need to complete a task in 25 minutes because our brain needs time to refocus.
When you want to analyze your personal energy budget, Schwartz has an energy audit
Spend five minutes to assess your energy and get some ideas and suggestions on how to increase it.
And it just do the exercise and coaches usually do for analyze our life from a general approach: home, leisure, professional development, health, money, personal growth, friends, family, love, leisure.
And if you reflect balance between the parts or parts that are financing other areas have an excess of "activity"
It’s all for today friends.
I hope your comments, and until next blog!
Have nice week for you Lorena

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