domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011

Differences between Evolution and Revolution ....

Possibly from my Argentine origin, sometimes when my friends tell me about the term “ the Revolution” it produce in me feelings not positive.
A few days ago, I decided to find a way to find an explanation for it. And as always I started with my dictionary. And I founded:
Revolution: rapid and profound change anything. (Royal Spanish Academy)
Evolution: Development of the things or bodies, through which pass gradually from one state to another. (Royal Spanish Academy)
And that's when I realized because I choose the latter.
If we are honest, the Revolution and Evolution, pursuing the same goal but with different methodologies. Throughout my years at engineering career I discovered that the methods and forms are essential for the results will be sustain with the pass of the time.
On the one hand, the revolution is in the short term, abrupt changes (and this holds anger, hostility and social aggression can have irreversible side effects).
And on the other evolution also searches for change, but long-term social impacts and less aggressive. If we look to the past, both methods were used by groups to promote changes in social structures of various countries; Argentina for example. Some have been very positive and extremely negative other humanity.
In our American history we have a number of revolutions. Basically any change in the history of Latinoamerica emerged from a revolution. It’s sometimes called "golpe de estado o estado de sitio" (negative cases) and other well-called revolutions. In both cases they were abrupt, with short-term results. There was no process maturity. And the difference is that the "negative speed" are not only revolutions, but they are small movements of a great evolution. Specifically, they are part of a larger plan consists of a small group of "people" who want to establish a change for their own benefit, but unlike positive social groups, they use the methods of evolution. I still believe that anyone who has good intentions can wait, patience and consistency are the basis for real change. Who is in a hurry to establish them for an individual rather than social.
An obvious example has been occurring all the dictatorships in Latinamerica.
Looking quickly at first glance are negative speed society, violent changes. But carefully analyzed in detail the history is so evident that they were small movements of a great evolution driven by a few powerful groups.

So today, a special day where we can choose, I think it's important to have a deep reflection.

Today, more than ever, it reminds revolutionaries, social thinkers, the fighters who gave their lives for a better and dignified life.
This memory promoted by governments, education (very few times if you observe in detail) and the social media.
It’s important that we make clear the message they want to give. "Remember, but not revive their struggles." Specifically, that all these efforts will remain in memory and do not go away. For somehow, as a sort of collective satisfaction we feel we are still fighting.
So ask this idea. What if instead of using the Revolution, we would use evolution? History shows that the method works best.
Transformed through a big change, but in a slow and clear, that no one be alarmed.
If this method was useful for negative changes such as those who are suffering today and in the past. What would happen if we use them for positive change and to really have a better life?
The aim would be exactly the same, but the path would be different, possibly longer.
Perhaps, if from the outset would have been a big positive evolution of society, and not many small revolutions, which waste energy and scatter blur, today would be near the target, and not so far.
The goal of a global society with common interests of welfare for all.
Surely many of you read this blog and are considering my proposal as an idea hardly possible to achieve, as a "nonsense."
But let me say that this idea is the one that we raised. The idea of chaos. The idea that humanity can never reach a peace agreement by nature. But remember who we were educated. Governments run by these "people" who seek their own development, their own welfare in exchange for ours.
So make a single revolution: studies, read, choose better every day, adding value in every act in our life, not settle, keep ourselves awake, take risks, be courageous, respectful of the other, educated in the ways to start and a true evolution causing social transformation that we so desire.
Good week to all, and I hope you enjoy this wonderful video:
As always, I hope your comments,

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